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Friday, 28 June 2019



 How To Select A Good Spouse!
"Then his father and his mother said unto him, Is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines? And Samson said unto his father, Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well."
Judges 14:3
The basic key to a good marriage is dependent largely on making the right choice right from the beginning. When we make the wrong choice we may virtually have to spend the whole time doing damage control.
What are some of the basic principles that can aid us? The principles that determined Samson's choice can help us, we can learn from his mistakes. Let's examine them.
1. The "godly counsel" of other people especially your parents, matter.
"His father and his mother said unto him". Someone said "love is blind but marriage will open your eyes." Fortunately the other people are not in love so they can see more clearly.
2. Choose a Christian.
Samson did not "Thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines."
3. Don't choose someone just because you are in love.
There are more serious considerations like character. Samson said "Get her for me; for she pleaseth me well.
4. Choose someone of kindred spirit.
"Brethren" This means someone who is similar to you. You share the same interests, passion, views, lifestyle, background, ideas etc. This helps in companionship and fellowship.
5.Finally depend on the Holy Spirit.
John 16:13 “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your partner to you, and He will!... @unlimitedwordexpress


Are you praying to have a Pastor as your husband, If yes, then you have a good desire, but before then take good look at this
This is what no one is telling many who is aspiring to marry Pastor.

                           DO NOT MARRY A PASTOR
*If you can't support his ministry with your time and resources please don't marry a Pastor.

*If you don't believe in his ministry, don't marry a Pastor. You must believe in everything he believes in, his doctrine, style of preaching and give him or her your total support.

*Don't marry a Pastor if you are too jealous, you will always suspect him of having an affair and end up disgracing him.

*If you want a man that will be at home with you every night don't marry a Pastor.

*If you want to eat all the time and will not be able to fast and pray with him don't marry a Pastor

*If you can't afford for him to be quiet and keep to himself for some hours and not talk to anyone. If you feel he must talk 24hrs of the day, you are about to marry a wrong person.

*If you can't give sacrificially, please don't marry a Pastor.

*If you are someone who believes the evil that people say against Pastors please don't marry one.

*If you can't obey COMMANDS, don't marry a Pastor sometimes he may be under strict instructions from God

*If you can't take nonsense from people don't marry a Pastor. We take nonsense all the time ...its part of our calling.

*If you can't forgive easily, don't marry a Pastor.

*If you want to look at all times at any expense, don't marry a Pastor. Sometimes your character and reputation will be attacked. Lies will be told on you. What you never conceived in your accused of.

*If you enjoy gossip don't marry a Pastor.

*If you want to be a society lady and not a virtuous woman please don't marry a Pastor

*If you can't nurture visions from smallness to maturity don't marry a Pastor.

*If you want to marry the man, and not the Pastor in the man, as many say today please don't marry a Pastor

*If you are not ready to feed stranger's please don't marry a pastor cause all these and many more is involve in the ministry work!

God bless you all!@unlimitedword-express


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